Parks and Recreation Meeting Minutes of February 05, 2007
Committee Members: Mike Prisco (MP), Lauren McMullen (LM), PersonNameNasos Phillips (NP), PersonNameSergio Coviello (SC)
Staff: Brian Wood (BW), Lynne Clemens (LC), Sheila Sturdevant (SS)
Absent: Rita Mullin (RM)
Audience: Laura Centofanti (LARC)
(MP) 7:09pm Quorum, meeting called to order
Minutes from 1/22/07
(LM) Page 2 under Wine tasting the time s/b 7pm to 10pm.
(LM) Lauren McMullen motions to approve minutes from January 22, 2007 P&R committee meeting.
(NP) Nasos Phillips seconds the motion.
In Favor: 3 Opposed: 0 Abstained: 1
*Sergio Abstained, he was not present at the last meeting.
New Business
Wheeler Property
A discussion was had regarding what Parks & Recreation Department would like to see for a plan for the Wheeler Property if they were to occupy that location. Detailed overview was presented regarding the structure, access, technology abilities, storage, repairs to utilities, parking capabilities, possibility of a gymnasium addition; along with ideas on how much a project of this content would cost. Also with talks of the project being a community build project.
Recreation Piano Keyboards
A discussion was had regarding what to do with 6 Yamaha Piano keyboards that Recreation owns and have not been used in a long time. Recreation bought the keyboards at $90 each with stand and adapters. Recreation would like to keep one keyboard, but discussed ideas on what to do with the other 5 units. They are in excellent condition. They were only use for 1 10 week long Piano lesson program.
Mike Prisco motions to keep 1 keyboard for the recreation Dept and to sell the other 5 keyboard “AS IS” starting at the same price we bought them for, at the 2007 Wine and Food Fundraiser as silent auction item to raise money for the bathroom facility at IRP.
(LM) Lauren McMullen seconds the motion.
All in Favor: 4 Opposed: 0 Abstained: 0
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Improvements at IRP-Volleyball Courts
A discussion was had regarding the update for the plans for the volleyball courts at IRP.
(BW) I will have plans completed before the end of this month and it will also show the proposed bathroom facilities. They will be ready to review at the next Committee meeting on March 5, 2007?
Old Business
Update on Fire Dept. take-over of Gym at Town Hall
(LC) After researching the plans for a proposal of a satellite fire Station/Truck in the Town Hall Gym, I feel that this is not the route the Town will want to take.
Turfco Top Dresser
A discussion was continued from a previous meeting regarding the cost of a Turfco top dresser and
The Pro’s and Cons of the benefits to our fields and of purchasing the equipment. The Quote is for $12, 900.
The committee expressed the need to research the possibility of leasing the equipment. The topic will
Be researched and revisited at a later meeting.
Wine & Food Fundraiser
A follow up discussion was had regarding updates on status of obtaining restaurants for the Food and Wine
Fundraiser; Avellino’s is out, Danielle’s is in, Foccacia’s is in, Joe Fish is in.
A status was given regarding contributions and Donations; Wines and beers and advertising.
Other Business
An update was given on the progress of the Open Space Plan, which is at 75% completion. The contract time
has extended. We will be setting the time for public hearing.
Open Discussion
(BW) PEACE POLE for local Girls Scout Troop. This is a project for a Girl Scout troop to build a piece pole which has “Peace” written in different language on all different side of the post. They wish to construct it at North Parish Park which is fitting because that park has been maintained a lot by various Girl Scout troops
(MP) Mike Prisco motions to let the Girl Scout troop construct and install a PEACE pole at North Parish Park.
(SC) Sergio Coviello Seconds the motion.
All in favor: 4 Opposed: 0 Abstained: 0
(NP) Valley Road Playground- Have we heard anything further from the citizen of Valley road regarding their playground or from anyone at all?
(BW) We just heard back from the town attorney. They needed more information regarding the criteria for question of maintaining the playground by the town and we will hear from them in a couple of weeks.
(LM) I spoke with Heidi in planning and if we maintain the park then it is considered a town park. Right now that property is deeded to the town. However, the private citizen does not want it to be open to the public just Valley road residence.
(LM) Dog Park- I spoke with Art and asked the ADHOC committee to send their information package to the Selectmen and he said he would do that.
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(MP) IRP Skating Rink- a discussion was had regarding the safety and repairs of the skating rink.
The rink will be put on the next agenda for the February 26th meeting.
(BW) Sporting Leagues-Specified the correct form is called a 990 form not a 9010 form, just to clarify.
(LM) Basketball has never filed for a 990 form.
(SC) KidSpot- Do we have KidSpot on the capital plan for this year repairs?
(BW) We petitioned to have it on the warrant for town meeting this year.
(MP) Mike Prisco motions to adjourn meeting at 9:54pm
(NP) Nasos Philips seconds the motion.
All in Favor: 4 Opposed: 0 Abstained: 0